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2005-03-03 09:50:19
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The Korean Federation of Construction Industries Union (KFCITU), an affiliate of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions is currently engaged in a campaign for union recognition at the Incheon Plant of Hanil Cement Incorporated.  Seven Remicon (ready-mixed cement) drivers---members of the Korean Construction Transport Workers Union, an affiliate of the KFCITU---have been locked out since September 1, 2004.

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Background (¹è°æ)

On January 24, 2001, 24 Remicon drivers at the Incheon plant of Hanil Cement Incorporated formed a union, which was recognized by the management at the Incheon plant.  The plant management signed a collective bargaining agreement with the union and allowed the union to conduct union activities inside the plant.  However, on August 31, 2004, the Incheon plant came under new management.  

2001³â 1¿ù 24ÀÏ, ÇÑÀϽøàÆ® ÀÎõ°øÀåÀÇ ·¹¹ÌÄÜ¿î¹Ý±â»ç³ëµ¿ÀÚ 24¸íÀº ³ëµ¿Á¶ÇÕÀ»   ¼³¸³ÇÏ¿´´Ù. °øÀå»çÀåÀº ³ëÁ¶¿Í ´ÜüÇù¾àÀ» ü°áÇÏ¿´°í °øÀå ³»ÀÇ ³ëÁ¶È°µ¿À» ÀÎÁ¤ÇÏ¿´´Ù. ±×·¯³ª, 2004³â 8¿ù 31ÀÏ, ÇÑÀϽøàÆ® ÀÎõ°øÀå¿¡´Â »õ·Î¿î (°øÀå)»çÀåÀÌ ¿Ô´Ù.          

When the new management took over last year, it refused to recognize the union and stated that it would shut down the plant unless the workers dissolved the union.  The union refused and since then they have been struggling against the new management, which still is under the auspices of Hanil Cement Incorporated.  It is the unions belief that Hanil Cement Incorporated installed the new management in an attempt to destroy the union.  

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It should be note that the Incheon plant of Hanil Cement is part of the Hanil Cement Incorporated and part of the Hanil network, but on paper, it is ¡¡operated¡¡ by a management that is assigned by Hanil Cement Incorporated.  As in the previous case, the new management was a former executive of Hanil Cement Inc.  Hanil Cement operates 17 plants that produce cement, remicon, and remitar.  Of all these plants, the Incheon plant is the only factory where the Remicon drivers have been successful in forming a union.  

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Hanil Cement Incorporated is part of the Hanil Network that includes Hanil Engineering and Construction, Hanil Remicon, Hanil Industrial, Seoul Land (an amusement park), Korea Ratings, and Hanil Development.  Incidentally, Hanil Cement Incorporated prides itself in ¡¡Progress Management Policies¡¡ and in their web-site it touts the fact that it ¡¡has been aggressive, when necessary, citing accomplishments such as; the first IPO in the cement industry in 1969, establishment of the first labor union in the same industry¡¤¡¡

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In reality, it is clear that Hanil Cement Incorporated does not recognize worker rights as it continues to shut the Remicon drivers from the Incheon plant.  Despite being under a new management, the plant is basically not in operation and no new administrative staff has been hired to run the plant.  Hanil Cement has also taken over a Remicon plant nearby the Incheon plant, thus even with the ¡¡closure¡¡ of the Incheon plant, it can still operate as usual.  More importantly, by attempting to break the union at the Incheon plant, it hopes to send a signal to other Remicon drivers within the Hanil network, not to organize.

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Last year, the Remicon drivers at a Cheongju plant attempted to form a union but due to intense company repression, which included the hiring of goons, the union was dismantled.  The President and the Vice-President of the union were fired and have been ¡¡blacklisted¡¡ due to their union activities; thus, they have been unable to find work.  

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Currently, of the 24 original members of the union, only twelve have stayed to fight the management.  The others have been forced to sell their Remicon trucks and choose other alternative measures to make a living.  Of the twelve remaining, five have been currently siding with the management and they are currently under the unions review committee.  

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Seven have been struggling against the management since last September and have basically started a sit-down demonstration inside the Incheon plant of Hanil Cement since then.  The management has stated that it would operate the plant and basically ¡¡hire¡¡ the drivers if the drivers dissolve the union.  The union has refused and it is committed to ¡¡fight until the very end.¡¡

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The KFCITU is calling for protest letters to be sent to the CEO of Hanil Cement Incorporated.  Send letters to Huh Dong Sup urging him to recognize the union at the Incheon plant, stop the ¡¡closure¡¡ of the Incheon plant, and more importantly recognize worker rights and trade union rights at all of the plants.

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Letters should be sent to:

Huh Dong Sup
President, Hanil Cement Incorporated
832-2 Yeoksam-Dong, Kangnam-Gu, Seoul, Korea
82-2-531-7000 (Phone)        82-2-531-7115 (Fax)

Please send copies of letters (sample letter is below) to the KFCITU headquarters at 82-2-843-1436 (Fax).  If you have any questions, please call Jin Sook Lee at 82-2-843-1432 (office), 82-11-326-7597 (cell),


Huh Dong Sup
Hanil Cement Incorporated
832-2 Yeoksam-Dong, Kangnam-Gu,
Seoul, Korea

Via fax: 82-2-531-7115 (Fax)

Dear President Huh:

On behalf of the ________, representing more than ____ union members, I am writing to express our deep concern about your companys attempts to break the union at the Incheon Plant of Hanil Cement Incorporated.    

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It has come to our attention that on January 24, 2001, 24 Remicon drivers organized and formed a union and affiliated with the Korean Construction Transport Workers Union, an affiliate of the Korean Federation of Construction Industries Trade Union.  At that time, the plant management recognized the union and signed a collective bargaining agreement with the union.  In addition, the management allowed the union to conduct activities within the plant.  However, all sense of decorum went ¡¡out the window¡¡ when on August 31, 2004, you placed an anti-union management at the Incheon plant in an attempt to break the union.  

2001³â 1¿ù 24ÀÏ¿¡ ·¹¹ÌÄÜ¿î¹Ý±â»ç³ëµ¿ÀÚ 24ÀÎÀº ³ëÁ¶¸¦ ¼³¸³ÇÏ¿© °Ç¼³»ê¾÷¿¬¸ÍÀÇ Àü±¹°Ç¼³¿î¼Û³ëµ¿Á¶ÇÕ¿¡ °¡ÀÔÇÏ¿´´Ù. ±× ´ç½Ã¿¡ (°øÀå)»çÀåÀº ³ëÁ¶¸¦ ÀÎÁ¤ÇÏ¿´°í ³ëÁ¶¿Í ´ÜüÇù¾àµµ ü°áÇÏ¿´´Ù. °Ô´Ù°¡ (°øÀå)»çÀåÀº °øÀå ³» ³ëÁ¶È°µ¿À» ÀÎÁ¤ÇÏ¿´´Ù. ±×·¯³ª, ÀÎõ°øÀå ³ëÁ¶¸¦ Æı«½ÃÅ°±â À§ÇÏ¿© 2004³â 8¿ù 31ÀÏ, ¹Ý³ëÁ¶ÀûÀÎ °øÀå»çÀåÀÌ º¸³»¾îÁö¸é¼­ ±×µ¿¾È ÁöÄÑ¿Ô´ø ÃÖ¼ÒÇÑÀÇ ±âº»ÀûÀÎ °ÍµéÀº ¸ðµÎ Æı«µÇ¾ú´Ù.                    

According to the Korean Federation of Construction Industries Union, an affiliate of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, the new management refused to recognize the union and stated that it would shut down the plant unless the workers dissolved the union.  The union refused and since then they have been basically locked out of the plant as your new managers refuse to ¡¡operate¡¡ the plant.  

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In your company web-site, Hanil Cement touts itself in ¡¡Progressive Management Policies¡¡ and is proud of the fact that your company ¡¡has been aggressive, when necessary, citing accomplishments such as; the first IPO in the cement industry in 1969, establishment of the first labor union in the same industry¡¤¡¡  Clearly locking out the Remicon drivers at the Incheon plant in an effort to destroy the union is not ¡¡Progressive Management Policies.¡¡  Nor is the fact that last year your company successfully destroyed the union at the Cheongju plant.  It is our understanding that the President and Vice-President of the Remicon drivers union at the Cheongju plant were not only fired but have been ¡¡blacklisted.¡¡  This is not acceptable and bad corporate behavior.  

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We strongly urge you to stop the suppression of labor rights at your Incheon plant, so that core labor standards that are internationally recognized by groups such as the International Labor Organization are abided. We urge you recognize the union at the Incheon plant and stop the ¡¡closure¡¡ of the plant so that the drivers can start to work and support their families.  More importantly, we strongly urge you to recognize trade union rights in all of your plants and stop hard-handed tactics to destroy workers rights to organize and form a union.  We will continue to monitor the situation until the situation is resolved.    

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